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Essential Oil Profile: Lavender

Writer: bee.kellybee.kelly

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

This is the first of many oil profiles to come!! So many signs were pointing me towards connecting with the deeply healing & calming properties of lavender to kick it all off. Lavender is probably the most commonly used essential oil for starters, & it is a very powerful flower for the witch's herbal cabinet as well. Plus, the month is October as I write this, & my totem for this month just so happens to be lovely lavender...


  • Extraction Method: Lavender is typically steam distilled & collected at midsummer

  • Aroma: Floral & sweet

  • Botanical Name: Lavandula agustifolia

  • Plant Family: Lemiaceae

Dubbed the "mother of all essential oils," lavender is a powerful flower that has been used for a variety of ailments & rituals throughout history.

lavender, essential oil

Benefits & Uses

  • relieves stress

  • aids with sleep - insomnia, restlessness

  • relieves anxiety

  • calms nerves

  • soothes skin - acne

  • heals wounds/burns - antibacterial

  • relieves aching joints/muscles

  • helps fight eczema

  • soothes insect bites/rashes

  • eases allergies - antihistamine

Historically, lavender has been burned in healing rituals & prayers. Below are some other mystical properties that lie within the heart of lavender.


Magical Uses & Metaphysical Gifts

  • dreams

  • love

  • peace

  • harmony

  • balance

  • healing

  • purification

  • cleansing


Lavender connects you to your 3rd Eye Chakra, or Ajna in Sanskrit. This chakra is located slightly above the center of your eyebrows on the front side of your body, & at your occiput on the back side (the cauldron* is in the center of your head). Your 3rd Eye allows you to perceive the outer world, imparts wisdom, endows psychic abilities, & enables intuition. We see this on the physical level as lavender helps to clear migraines, calm the mind, and soothe stress.

Application Tip: Mix a drop of rosemary with a couple drops of lavender, & rub on your temples, back of your skull, & 3rd Eye. Mix with apricot oil if you have sensitive skin.

I leave you with this final blending tip! Lavender works synergistically with most other essential oils & can help to boost their benefits when blended together properly.

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Bronwen, Certified Aromatherapist, New York Institute of Aromatherapy

*A cauldron is the center of a chakra, where the front & back side meet.


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