I have been obsessed with the Wild Planet ready to eat meals lately, specifically the kidney bean & corn! Tossing it over arugula with some avocado & zest has been my go to lunch when I'm on the go. I share my tuna avocado salad recipe below:
big handful organic arugula
small handful horseradish sprouts
quarter avocado or dollop Wholly Guacamole
crushed plantain chips - I love Artisan Tropic Plantain Strips

The Process
I like to lay out my bed of arugula & horseradish sprouts first
Next, I top it with the Wild Planet tuna/bean/corn salad, guacamole, & crushed plantain chips
Ready to eat baby!
Packed with 16 grams of protein, fresh greens & tons of flavor, this salad makes the perfect quick meal for any summer day or night!
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